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bio: Kristaps

Kristaps was born in Uppsala – near Stockholm – as the son of Latvian parents from Canada and Germany. Read more …
Kristaps first visited Riga with the Ludvigs dzird and Guzma bands in the 1980s, while still in high school
He first visited Riga with the Ludvigs dzird and Guzma bands in the 1980s, while still in high school. Read more …
He graduated from MLG (the Münster Latvian Gymnasium). Read More …
Kristaps studied jazz guitar in Cologne with, among others, Werner Neumann, Philippe Caillat, Norbert Scholly. In Bonn, he recorded … Read More …

Kristaps was born in Uppsala – near Stockholm – as the son of Latvian parents from Canada and Germany. Read more …

He first visited Riga with the Ludvigs dzird and Guzma bands in the 1980s, while still in high school. Read more …

He graduated from MLG (the Münster Latvian Gymnasium). Read More …

Kristaps studied jazz guitar in Cologne with, among others, Werner Neumann, Philippe Caillat, Norbert Scholly. In Bonn, he recorded … Read More …

KristapsLiene & Kristaps

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