sejane and grasis

Tag: edition mcm

Sejane & Grasis

Oct.03, 2008

CD: Sejane & Grasis

The works of Liene Sējāne & Kristaps Grasis always have themes.

One of the previous themes in their music was dances. The central theme of the new album is images. Images that have inspired the composers, images that form in the listeners mind during a performance, images that allow the listener to identify with new, never before heard sounds.

Every peace of work in this album represents an image or a picture, that gives you a starting point, for a voyage through your imagination, to remember this music in pictures and images.

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news february 2008

Feb.17, 2008

Liene & Kristaps sign a contract with MDW/Mikulski-Publishing, in Germany and start their cooperation as Modern Chamber Music Publishing.

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