sejane and grasis

Tag: Sweden

news july 2011

Jul.04, 2011

Recordings for the new Lokal Heroes CD start with a new line up! (previews coming soon!)
The filming for the Audio Workshop Mixing DVD continues (previews coming soon!)
Taking another short trip to Latvia
Liene & Kristaps go to Sweden to work and relax


news august 2009

Aug.31, 2009

Liene & Kristaps film their new concert DVD and play concerts in Latvia and Sweden, and after returning from touring as well in Germany with the Lokal Heroes.

See some pictures

news september 2008

Sep.17, 2008

Together with bassplayer Wendel Biskup, and percussionist Mike Haarman L&K play some concerts in Sweden, where also the whole One-Eyed Wolf Orchestra joins in.
The second album with Juris Kronbergs “Hötorghallen” is out in Sweden

news december 23., 2005

Dec.23, 2005

If you like to see pictures from the musical journey to sweden nov/dec 2005

news november 15., 2005

Nov.15, 2005

On September 24, 2005, Liene and Kristaps gave a concert at the Embassy of Latvia in Stockholm, Sweden. The two musicians surprised the audience with their modern chamber music, which impressed with excellent musical rapport, virtuosity and finesse.

The programme included Liene’s work BILDES [PICTURES], which was performed for the first time, and Kristaps ‘ CEOJUMU SVTA [TRAVEL SUITE], which was performed in full length.

This week, the two musicians are performing in Germany together with cellist Ieva Purina. In the late fall, they will return to Sweden to perform together with poet Juris Kronbergs.

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