sejane and grasis

Tag: modern chamber music

The DVD MODERN CHAMBER MUSIC-Live out worldwide

Mar.19, 2012

After more than 250 concerts in more than 10 countries SEJANE & GRASIS together with their fantastic lightcrew have filmed and recorded their fascinating concert series.

Sejane & Grasis: Modern Chamber Music – Live-DVD

Buy it on Amazon

Here is a small trailer to give you a few optical and acoustical impressions:
small file, 1,5mb ¦ large file, 15 mb


Jun.09, 2009

After having previously recorded albums with 20th century composers and with european folk music, the new album from Sejane & Grasis presents ten new compositions of their
In form of chamber music they celebrate the energy of jazz and folk
with their skills in modern classical music.
Buy it on Amazon
Download it on iTunes

After having previously recorded albums with 20th century composers and with european folk music, the new album from Sejane & Grasis presents ten new compositions of their

In form of chamber music they celebrate the energy of jazz and folk
with their skills in modern classical music.

Buy it on AmazonDownload it on iTunes

news october 2008

Oct.17, 2008

The album MODERN CHAMBER MUSIC is out worldwide.
Buy it at iTunes, Amazon, Musicload a.o. or ask your lokal dealer!

Sejane & Grasis

Oct.03, 2008

CD: Sejane & Grasis

The works of Liene Sējāne & Kristaps Grasis always have themes.

One of the previous themes in their music was dances. The central theme of the new album is images. Images that have inspired the composers, images that form in the listeners mind during a performance, images that allow the listener to identify with new, never before heard sounds.

Every peace of work in this album represents an image or a picture, that gives you a starting point, for a voyage through your imagination, to remember this music in pictures and images.

(continue reading…)

news april 2008

Apr.17, 2008

The MODERN CHAMBER MUSIC albums is mixed and mastered, and will be published by ZYX records worldwide.

news december 2007

Dec.17, 2007

The recordings for the MODERN CHAMBER MUSIC album are finally finished. It will be soon published in Germany and in The Baltic States.
Liene & Kristaps play once again with english guitarist Hugh Featherstone and singer Kim Bastian.
Together with multiinstrumentalist Matthias Höhn they record an album with medieval music.

news july-october 2007

Jul.17, 2007

Liene & Kristaps continue work on the new Modern Chamber Music album.
They are now official VIOLET-DESIGN Microphone endorsers
The new album will be coming soon!
It will have new compositions from both Liene & Kristaps, and will be published in varoius european countries.
See some new pictures, the musicians using Violet microphones

modern chamber music

Jul.03, 2007

CD: modern chamber music

news february 2007

Feb.17, 2007

The first concert with the new material in Buchholz for a special audience. With Mike on percussion and Wendel on Bass Liene & Kristaps perform Lienes work “Dance in the Hills” and the new “Pictures” as well as the full “Traveller´s Suite” by Kristaps.
They all go to Latvia to start recording the new album MODERN CHAMBER MUSIC, at the studio SEJA in Jurmala.
See some pictures!

news november 15., 2005

Nov.15, 2005

On September 24, 2005, Liene and Kristaps gave a concert at the Embassy of Latvia in Stockholm, Sweden. The two musicians surprised the audience with their modern chamber music, which impressed with excellent musical rapport, virtuosity and finesse.

The programme included Liene’s work BILDES [PICTURES], which was performed for the first time, and Kristaps ‘ CEOJUMU SVTA [TRAVEL SUITE], which was performed in full length.

This week, the two musicians are performing in Germany together with cellist Ieva Purina. In the late fall, they will return to Sweden to perform together with poet Juris Kronbergs.

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