bio: Kristaps in Riga
He started collaboration with composer Juris Kulakovs and the Sejans brothers, Leons and Juris, from the extremely popular Menuets and Perkons bands, and formed the Kristaps Grasis Band, which later became the Germany-based Grasis. In the 1990s, they toured Germany, Latvia and France.
In 1994, Kristaps released his solo debut album “Nangilima”.
In 1996, the Kristaps Grasis Band released “Naktis/Nights”.
Kristaps, poet Juris Kronbergs, and members of the Kulakovs and Sejans clans (including Liene) perform together as the One-Eyed Wolf Band (Kronbergs’ poem to the music of K. Grasis).
The Modern Music Studio works together with the Audio-Video studio SEJA in Latvia on many projects.
The most current is the new Sejane & Grasis DVD.
Kristaps endorses VIOLET microphones.
Kristaps in: Bonn | Münster | Riga | Stockholm ::: back to bio: Kristaps