sejane and grasis

Tag: studio

news may 2014

May.05, 2014

Lokal Heroes in the studio.
Kristaps playing the Missa Gaya again.
Liene recording new Sejane & Grasis tracks.

news february 2014

Feb.06, 2014

Lokal Heroes in the Studio again.
Finalizing Silvia Doberenz´new DVD.
Kristaps leading rehearsals for Tine May and writes string arangements for ZIAD.

Bandrecording-workshop Akademie Trossingen

May.08, 2012













news january 2011

Jan.10, 2011

The Lokal Heroes have a live recording/filming at the Harmonie in Bonn on Jan 29th.
Guitar, Mandolin, Ukulele overdubs for the new Lokal Heroes Album
Producing a Mixing DVD for Audio-Workshop
Vocal recordings for Jean Faure

news november 2010

Nov.08, 2010

Liene & Kristaps go to Sweden to play concerts in Stockholm & Göteborg.
They are working on material with composer Ralf Bauer-Mörkens.
Mixing the new Jean Faure recordings.
Whistle recordings with Ralf Wolfgarten.

Kristaps plays his new 5th Avenue Kingpin from GODIN with Jean Faure on the road!

news june 2010

May.26, 2010

Liene & Kristaps take part in the recording workshops at the Akademie in Trossingen, Germany.
Kristaps does an arrangement workshop in Waldorf.
Jean Faure in the studio.
Lokal Heroes in the studio.
The next Sejane & Grasis album will come this fall – rehearsals start now!.

news may 2010

May.26, 2010

Liene & Kristaps play Duo-gigs.
Kristaps plays the MISSA GAYA again.
Liene & Kristaps produce recordings for singer Joanna Gypser.
Kristaps produces Jean Faure´s concert DVD.

news september 2009

Sep.23, 2009

Much work to do in the studio editing and mixing the new DVD, which will contain music from the last two albums, and some traditional tunes.

news may 2009

May.09, 2009

The new show from Jean Faure has its premier in the Pantheon in Bonn
L&K have started to rehearse for the summer shows with the Modern Chamber Music Orchestra

news february 2009

Feb.17, 2009

L&K play for a recording workshop in Waldorf
L&K record the German version of the One-Eyed Wolf, wich will feature 3 new tracks from the new One-Eyed wolf book by Juris Kronbergs

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