sejane and grasis

Tag: cd

news january 2014

Feb.05, 2014

Cover_Heroes-CDLokal Heroes present their new live-album.MG_4493
Liene plays on singer ZIADs new album
Kristaps produces comedian Dave Davis new DVD and meets the President of Latvia! (click to see more pics)

news october 2013

Sep.26, 2013

Liene & Kristaps go to teach at the Academy in Trossingen at a Recordingworkshop.
Liene has written new music, Kristaps is busy arranging it.
The Lokal Heroes rehearsing their new material.
The live CD should be released by the end of the year.

news july 2013

Jul.05, 2013

Lokal Heroes working on the live CD.
Kristaps rehearsing new material with singer Pierra Salgedas and comedian and singer Dave Davis.
Liene writes new music for the Sejane & Grasis CD.

news june 2012

Jun.18, 2012

Liene now plays Muramatsu!!!
The filming for the Mixing DVD is finished. Release will be soon.
Recordings for the Joanna Gypser CD.
New Tracks in the Audio section.

news january 2012

Jan.16, 2012

The New Lokal Heroes  CD “To Be Continued” is out in January 28th!!!

Big release concert on Jan. 28th at the “Harmonie” in Bonn, with lots of guests from Scotland,Wales, England, Latvia, Sweden …

Some of the Sejane & Grasis tunes found their way on the new LH album.

news july 2011

Jul.04, 2011

Recordings for the new Lokal Heroes CD start with a new line up! (previews coming soon!)
The filming for the Audio Workshop Mixing DVD continues (previews coming soon!)
Taking another short trip to Latvia
Liene & Kristaps go to Sweden to work and relax



Jun.09, 2009

After having previously recorded albums with 20th century composers and with european folk music, the new album from Sejane & Grasis presents ten new compositions of their
In form of chamber music they celebrate the energy of jazz and folk
with their skills in modern classical music.
Buy it on Amazon
Download it on iTunes

After having previously recorded albums with 20th century composers and with european folk music, the new album from Sejane & Grasis presents ten new compositions of their

In form of chamber music they celebrate the energy of jazz and folk
with their skills in modern classical music.

Buy it on AmazonDownload it on iTunes

news november 2008

Nov.17, 2008

The album presentation concert will be at Nov 30. in Bonn, Schloss Annaberg 17:00

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