sejane and grasis

Archive for November, 2012

concerts november 2012

Nov.07, 2012

November 02, 2012 | Bonn | ”Jour Fix” | 23:00 (with C. Gogolin)
November 09, 2012 | Siegburg | Kunst und Ausstellungshalle | 19:00 (Lokal Heroes)
November 10, 2012 | Bonn | Nachfolge- Christikirche | 20:00 (Missa Gaia)
November 11, 2012 | Bonn | Lutherkirche | 17:00 (Missa Gaia)

news november 2012

Nov.07, 2012

Kristaps plays with singer Christine Gogolin.
Liene & Kristaps team up with Hugh Featherstone and Ralf Wolfgarten to play acoustic in Siegburg.
Kristaps, Wendel Biskup and Martin Hombach from the Lokal Heroes play the “Missa Gaia ” again, with big choir, band and solo singers.


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